

Tovorne pnevmatike za medregionalne ceste

Tovorne pnevmatike za medregionalne ceste

Trailer axle tyres offering enhanced durability and better fuel efficiency

  • Velik kilometrski potencial pri vseh vrstah cestnih prevozov
  • Funkcionalna prilagodljivost v širokem spektru uporabe – od mednarodnih in regionalnih prevozov do prevozov na krajše razdalje
  • Velika robustnost, ki kljubuje vsem vrstam cestne podlage in zahtevnim pogojem uporabe
  • Zimska zmogljivost (3PMSF) in oprijem skozi celotno življenjsko dobo pnevmatike

Dimenzije pnevmatik

Dimenzija Nazivni indeks nosilnosti Nazivni indeks hitrosti Indeks nosilnosti 2 Indeks hitrosti 2 Izkoristek goriva Izkoristek goriva Oprijem na mokri podlagi Oprijem na mokri podlagi Hrup Hrup Sneg 3PMSF Sneg 3PMSF Oznaka EU za pnevmatike
385/55R22.5 160 K 158 L B B B - 72dB check icon Download
5-rib design
164 K 158 L C B B - 72dB check icon Download
435/50R19.5 160 J - - B B B - 72dB check icon Download

‘FRT’ stands for ‘Free Rolling Tyre’ and is a legal marking according to the UNECE Regulation No. 54, which indicates that the tyre is specifically designed and intended for the equipment of trailer axles and axles of motor vehicles other than front steering and all drive axles. Therefore these trailer tyres marked ‘FRT’ should be used exclusively on trailer axles and axles of motor vehicles other than front steering and all drive axles and should not be fitted in any other position. Goodyear Dunlop will not warrant and cannot be held accountable for any potential liability claim involving FRT tyres fitted outside these recommendations.‘FRT’ stands for ‘Free Rolling Tyre’ and is a legal marking according to the UNECE Regulation No. 54, which indicates that the tyre is specifically designed and intended for the equipment of trailer axles and axles of motor vehicles other than front steering and all drive axles. Therefore these trailer tyres marked ‘FRT’ should be used exclusively on trailer axles and axles of motor vehicles other than front steering and all drive axles and should not be fitted in any other position. Goodyear Dunlop will not warrant and cannot be held accountable for any potential liability claim involving FRT tyres fitted outside these recommendations.